

How to Tell If Someone Likes you

Knowing how to tell if someone likes you should be simple enough but it can be difficult to read someone's signals. There are a few ways to tell if someone likes you without coming right out and asking.

1 Body language - When someone likes you, they tend to lean in toward you during conversations. They also may put their hand on you or brush against you.

2 Another way to tell if someone likes you is to watch their eyes. Are they focused on you? Do you often catch them staring and when you meet their gaze, they hold it for a few seconds then look away? This could be a sign that they're interested.

3 When someone likes you, they may do things just to be closer to you. They'll take lunch at the same time, sit at the same table or offer to work with you on a project. You'll find that they may go out of their way just to spend time with you.

How to Make someone like you

How to Get Someone to Like You Romanticallythumbnail 

Get Someone to Like You Romantically

Romantic attraction is all about energy - set the stage and let the flames ignite. If the person doesn't like you at all from the beginning, however, you will most likely waste your time. There has to be some kind of connection that you can use to build on.


  • 1
    Love yourself - and show it, using body language: Sit up straight, make eye contact and shake hands firmly. There's nothing sexier than self-confidence.
  • 2Be approachable. Again, here's where body language can help - face the person with your arms uncrossed, make eye contact and smile with sincerity.
  • 3
    Plant some romantic seeds - put the idea of romance in his or her head without being too obvious. For instance, do thoughtful things for your soon-to-be suitor to show that you are going out of your way for him or her; listen with your whole heart when he or she speaks - there is nothing more romantic than to feel someone is really hearing you.

Make Sure Your Significant Other Never Forgets Another Anniversary or Birthday!

Sometimes the people in our life don't remember the dates that are important to us. How would you feel if your significant other forgot your anniversary or birthday? Maybe he/she already has. How dare they! How can this day not be as important to them as it is to me? Do they not care about me?
These are the kinds of things that run through our mind. We feel forgotten and insignificant. We wonder if they really love us. It is so frustrating when a significant other forgets a day that is really important to you. Likely their forgetting has nothing to do with you.
Try to determine why your significant other has problems remembering important dates. Does he/she often miss important dates? Maybe they never even remember their Mother's birthday? Some people have trouble remembering their own birthdays!
Here are a few tips and tricks to help your significant other remember days that are important to you. In this digital age it should be easy to know when an important date is approaching.
1.) Have a large calendar in a family area that everyone can write their anniversaries, birthdays, meetings and appointments on really helps the whole family be on the same page. For example, write your anniversary in big letters and circle the date so your significant other is sure to know it is approaching.
2.) Leave reminder notes for them in their car or wallet. Leaving a note on the bathroom mirror is also fun.
3.) Add all important days to your significant others' contact lists on their phone or computer. This will automatically add the date to their calendar.