

Worlds Best Grandparents

"Just about the time a woman thinks her work is done, she becomes a grandmother."
- Grandparents Day Quotes by Edward H. Dreschnack
"Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family.  Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one."
- Grandparents Day Quotes by Jane Howard
"No cowboy was ever faster on the draw than a grandparent pulling a baby picture out of a wallet."
- Grandparents Day Quotes by Author Unknown
"You don't choose your family.  They are God's gift to you, as you are to them."
- Grandparents Day Quotes by Desmond Tutu
"A mother becomes a true grandmother the day she stops noticing the terrible things her children do because she is so enchanted with the wonderful things her grandchildren do."
- Grandparents Day Quotes by Lois Wyse

Happy Grandparents Day: Poems


"If you know his father and grandfather, don't worry about his son."
"The motherless child will suckle the grandmother."
"The old are the precious gem in the center of the household."
"To forget one's ancestors is to be a brook without a source, a tree without a root."
"Even the devil's grandmother was a nice girl when she was young."
"The baby is not yet born, and yet you say that his nose is like his grandfather's."
"You've got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was."

Happy Grandparents Day

Grandfathers are a special breed
Of kinfolk, all their own.
They love you and hug you,
And spoil you to death.
And then, they send you home.
© by Joyce C. Lock

Friendship Sayings

Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day. - Dalai Lama

Friends Quotes

Never shall I forget the time I spent with you. Please continue to be my friend, as you will always find me yours. - Ludwig Van Beethoven

Friendships are fragile things and require as much care in handling as any other fragile and precious thing. - Randolph S. Bourne

Christmas gift suggestions

Christmas gift suggestions:
To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.”

Christmas Beautiful Quotes 2

In the old days, it was not called the Holiday Season; the Christians called it 'Christmas' and went to church; the Jews called it 'Hanukkah' and went to synagogue; the atheists went to parties and drank.  People passing each other on the street would say 'Merry Christmas!' or 'Happy Hanukkah!'  or (to the atheists) 'Look out for the wall!'  ~Dave Barry, "Christmas Shopping:  A Survivor's Guide"

This December,
That love weighs more than gold!
~Josephine Dodge Daskam Bacon

Christmas Beautiful Quotes 1

Christmas is forever, not for just one day,
for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away
like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf.
The good you do for others is good you do yourself...
~Norman Wesley Brooks, "Let Every Day Be Christmas," 1976

When we were children we were grateful to those who filled our stockings at Christmas time.  Why are we not grateful to God for filling our stockings with legs?  ~G.K. Chesterton

Christmas Beautiful Quotes

I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.  ~Charles Dickens

Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree.  In the eyes of children, they are all 30 feet tall.  ~Larry Wilde, The Merry Book of Christmas

Christmas is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart.  ~Washington Irving

Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas.  ~Peg Bracken